" ` Bringing segmentation to life through creativity | Haines McGregor

Few would argue that a sharper and up to date insight into your consumer is an essential foundation to modern marketing, but what often breaks down is the ability of the company to maximise the benefit of the findings because the research reports and data are so dense and impenetrable that they end up gathering dust. Hundreds of thousands can be wasted in this way and whilst segmentation studies are prime culprits, it is by no means limited to these kinds of studies alone.

The solution is not simply to see the report as an end in its own right but part of a process of translating the findings into actionable conclusions. To live and breathe within an organisation, by far the most powerful way to do it is to use creativity to bring the findings to life, especially short films, so that it acts as an inspiration instead of a ball and chain. In a nut shell creativity has not traditionally been embraced by research companies, especially with quantitative reports to give marketeers a real feeling for the findings. It enables brand owners to not only understand the rational and commercial results but also the emotional undercurrents that sit below the data and give the users a real richness of understanding, and we aren’t just talking about full bleed image slides with a single word on the page.

Here are 6 ways that an organisation can benefit from using more inspiring findings   

  • Get the full value from your research investment
  • Help people understand and get inspired by the insight at a deeper emotive level
  • Help businesses cascade consumer understanding, especially in markets where English is not the first language
  • Inspire and improve the accuracy of creative suppliers
  • Excite the organisation, including senior management
  • Enhance the impact of CI and their ability to influence their business

M&S recognised the benefits when they brought their segmentation to life to share with their organisation. Brown Foreman used a mapping model translated into a short sequences of moving footage as the focal point of a series of workshops throughout the world involving local management teams. Home Heritage Group, a large US furniture business, translated all their segmentation into short films to inspire the organisation about marketing and product development. These are just a few of the brand owners who have made sure they don’t just get great insight but make the most of their investment as well.

Contact us and find out how Haines McGregor can help you to create and communicate consumer research that inspires your whole organisation and brings real change.