" ` MADFEST: HOPS & DREAMS | Haines McGregor

How 1664 Blanc Defied Convention and Created an Elegant Revolution

At MADFEST 2024, Jamie Holtum and Nikola Maravic shared the compelling story of how 1664 Blanc transcended the traditional beer market, evolving the brand into a lifestyle experience that exudes elegance, sophistication, and playfulness. This blog post delves into the core insights from their talk, illustrating the power of a genuine agency-client partnership in driving remarkable brand transformation.


This was ultimately a story about ‘connecting the dots’ – understanding what you have and how you can connect that to what’s going on in culture. 



Bold and Disruptive: Standing out in the premium beer market requires a willingness to challenge norms and take risks. For 1664 Blanc, this meant positioning itself within the realms of fashion and lifestyle. By associating the brand with high-end, luxurious experiences, they were able to capture the attention of a broader, more diverse audience.

Effortlessly Cool and Sophisticated: The 1664 Blanc brand has been meticulously crafted to exude a sophisticated yet approachable image. This balance of elegance and approachability is key to its appeal, allowing it to compete with other premium beverages such as wine and champagne. The brand’s visual and verbal identity consistently communicates this sophisticated image, from its packaging to its advertising campaigns.

Clear and Precise Brand Messaging: Effective brand building hinges on clear and consistent messaging. Jamie highlighted that every touchpoint, from social media to in-store displays, needed to reinforce the brand’s sophisticated and innovative image. This ensures that consumers receive a coherent and compelling brand narrative, building trust and recognition over time.


The category was in a state of flux, shifting peak craft towards more provenance-driven, easy drinking propositions, think Moretti and Madri. In Paris we found our Provenance, with its effortlessly cool vibe which just kept getting cooler and cooler.


Post covid and economic uncertaining,  consumers were looking for ‘less, but better’, moderating drinking behaviour, switching to better and often more premium experiences.

Strategic Brand Building

Jamie was  keen to drive home that effective brand building can often mean writing strategies out longhand, knowing what your purpose and mission is before collaborating with fashion influencers, artists, and designers to enhance brand goals. Nikola also spoke about the need for consistency and repetition in messaging which are  vital for efficiently communicating a brand’s vision and reinforcing its identity.

Collaborating with Influencers and Artists: Jamie and Nikola emphasised the importance of leveraging cultural influencers to enhance brand perception. By partnering with fashion influencers, artists, and designers, 1664 Blanc was able to tap into new consumer bases and enhance its appeal. These collaborations brought a fresh perspective to the brand and helped embed it within contemporary culture.

Consistency and Repetition: A consistent message repeated across various channels helps to solidify the brand’s identity in the minds of consumers. Jamie explained that this consistency is crucial for building brand recognition and trust. Whether through traditional advertising, social media, or event sponsorships, every interaction with the brand should reinforce its core values and aesthetic.


Brand Growth and Internal Alignment

Nikola Maravic, Global Marketing Director of Carlsberg, underscored the value of strategic collaborations, such as partnering with London Fashion Week. This event provided a platform to showcase 1664 Blanc’s proposition of playful elegance, contributing significantly to brand growth.

Strategic Collaborations: Partnerships with prestigious events like London Fashion Week offer unique opportunities to showcase the brand’s attributes. These collaborations not only increase brand visibility but also align the brand with the values of elegance and sophistication inherent to these events.

Incremental Growth in New Markets: The UK market, being the 52nd market to launch 1664 Blanc, has shown substantial incremental growth. This success is attributed to the brand’s ability to appeal to new consumer audiences, including an increased female consumer base. By strategically entering new markets and aligning global and local strategies, 1664 Blanc has managed to drive significant growth.

Internal Alignment: Internal alignment is crucial for maintaining a cohesive brand message. Ensuring that global and local teams are on the same page allows for a unified approach to marketing and branding. This alignment is key to driving the brand forward and achieving long-term success.

Creativity within Consistency

Nikola emphasised ‘the freedom of a tight brief’ having clarity on what the brand is, and what it is not, allows for creativity within established constraints. 

Clarity in Brand Vision: A clear brand vision provides a framework within which creativity can flourish. Jamie and Nikola highlighted that clarity in the brand proposition allows for innovative ideas to be executed effectively without diluting the brand’s core message.

Consistency in Messaging: Consistency across all touchpoints is essential for effective brand building. By ensuring that every piece of communication reinforces the brand’s core values, 1664 Blanc has built a strong and recognisable brand identity.


The overarching message from Jamie and Nikola’s session at MADFEST is clear: that from great partnerships comes great work.  By connecting the dots between consumer, culture, category and brand Blanc 1664 was able to cut through in an increasingly competitive market place. Delivering clarity of proposition, brought to life consistently across all touch-points. By embracing these principles, 1664 Blanc has not only redefined itself but also set a new standard for what a beer brand can achieve.