" ` Richer Brands: Impossible Foods | Haines McGregor

Impossible Foods is a brand that is breaking new ground and bringing about social change to formerly meat-centric industries like fast food outlets.

So, what makes them a Richer Brand?

🔸CULTURALLY RELEVANT. They understand that although sustainability concerns are at an all-time high, their Tribe don’t want to sacrifice taste.

🔸 BLEND OF SCIENCE & NATURE. They believe that by harnessing technology, GMO innovations can play a positive role in a better future for the food industry. They are open and transparent, continually informing and educating.

🔸 NEVER STOP INNOVATING. Aspirations of transforming the global food system goes hand in hand with product innovation, looking to scale up as a way of decreasing product price and building mass-market awareness.

I find myself eating less meat and looking more often to plant-based alternatives but, as an out and out foodie, I won’t eat anything unless it’s both tasty and satisfying. Impossible successfully bridge this gap.

The future for the planet also looks brighter if they are able to reach their green goals by encouraging meat eaters to swap to plant based over the coming years… win, win!